

Are you interested in learning more about PowerShape2?

PowerShape2 is a non-invasive procedure that utilizes various technologies to contour the body by reducing cellulite. It specifically targets cellulite and helps improve overall body shape and tone. The treatment is typically focused on specific areas such as the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, and love handles. PowerShape2 provides a level of intensity similar to engaging in intense physical exercise. It is important to note that PowerShape2 is primarily designed to tone the body rather than aid in weight loss. It is most suitable for individuals who wish to enhance body contouring and tighten their skin. Additionally, those who are close to their ideal weight can benefit the most from PowerShape2.

How does PowerShape2 work?

PowerShape2 utilizes a combination of technologies to reduce and contour the body. It incorporates infrared light, bi-polar radiofrequency energy, vacuum, and mechanical massage to achieve its effects. Here’s a breakdown of how PowerShape2 works:

  • Infrared Light Energy: The targeted area is exposed to infrared light, which raises the metabolism of stored energy. This stimulation of the lymphatic system helps shrink fat cells.
  • Bi-Polar Radiofrequency (RF): RF energy is delivered to the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production. This leads to improved skin texture and tightening.
  • Vacuum Technology: The skin undergoes a massage-like sensation through vacuum suction. This action enhances blood circulation, promotes lymphatic drainage, and aids in the distribution of heat throughout the targeted area.
  • Mechanical Massage: The mechanical massage action contributes to the smoothing of the skin surface. It also supports lymphatic drainage and facilitates the deeper penetration of energy into the tissues.

By combining these technologies, Velashape works to reduce cellulite, tighten the skin, and enhance body contouring.

Is PowerShape2 suitable for all skin types and body areas?

PowerShape2 is generally suitable for a wide range of skin types. However, it is important to seek advice from a professional healthcare provider who can assess your specific skin sensitivity and medical history. This consultation is crucial to ensure that any potential complications during or after the procedure are avoided. By consulting with a healthcare professional, you can receive personalized guidance and recommendations to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the PowerShape2 treatment.

About the machine:

Power Shape 2 is a device that utilizes multiple technologies to target cellulite, reduce fat, tighten the skin, and improve muscle tone. Here are the key features of Power Shape 2:

  • PowerShape2 Technology: Power Shape 2 incorporates velashape technology, which combines infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency (RF), vacuum, and mechanical massage. This combination of modalities effectively addresses cellulite and improves body contouring.
  • Dynamic Quadripolar RF: The device utilizes dynamic quadripolar RF technology, allowing the radiofrequency energy to penetrate deeper into the skin. This enhances the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • Dynamic Muscle Activation (DMA): Power Shape 2 features DMA technology, which involves electrical muscle stimulation. This stimulation induces muscle contractions, similar to those experienced during exercise, leading to improved muscle tone, firmness, and definition.
  • Dynamic Laser Control (DLC): The device also incorporates DLC technology, which utilizes laser energy. This technology aids in body contouring and cellulite reduction by promoting lymphatic drainage and facilitating the breakdown and elimination of fat cells.

In summary, Power Shape 2 combines velashape technology, dynamic quadripolar RF, DMA, and DLC technologies to provide a comprehensive approach to cellulite reduction, fat reduction, skin tightening, and muscle toning.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with PowerShape2?

PowerShape2 is a safe and non-invasive procedure that generally does not result in any significant complications or side effects. It is considered a low-risk treatment option. It is normal to experience some redness in the treated area, which is a temporary and expected response. During the procedure, you may also experience mild discomfort, skin sensitivity, or bruising due to the vacuum and massage techniques used. However, these effects are transient and typically resolve on their own without causing any long-term side effects. It is important not to be overly concerned about these temporary reactions as they are part of the normal process.

Is there any downtime or recovery period after PowerShape2 sessions?

There is typically no need for downtime or a recovery period following a PowerShape2 session, allowing individuals to immediately resume their normal activities. Although slight redness may be observed in the treated area, it usually subsides within an hour. This aspect of PowerShape2 makes it convenient for individuals with busy schedules who desire body toning without disrupting their daily routines

How does PowerShape2 work?

PowerShape2 utilizes a combination of technologies to reduce and contour the body. It incorporates infrared light, bi-polar radiofrequency energy, vacuum, and mechanical massage to achieve its effects. Here’s a breakdown of how PowerShape2 works:

  • Infrared Light Energy: The targeted area is exposed to infrared light, which raises the metabolism of stored energy. This stimulation of the lymphatic system helps shrink fat cells.
  • Bi-Polar Radiofrequency (RF): RF energy is delivered to the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating collagen production. This leads to improved skin texture and tightening.
  • Vacuum Technology: The skin undergoes a massage-like sensation through vacuum suction. This action enhances blood circulation, promotes lymphatic drainage, and aids in the distribution of heat throughout the targeted area.
  • Mechanical Massage: The mechanical massage action contributes to the smoothing of the skin surface. It also supports lymphatic drainage and facilitates the deeper penetration of energy into the tissues.

By combining these technologies, PowerShape2 works to reduce cellulite, tighten the skin, and enhance body contouring.

How many sessions are required for PowerShape2?

Typically, the recommended number of PowerShape2 sessions is 5-10, customized based on the individual’s body type. These sessions are scheduled at intervals of 4 Days. The duration of each PowerShape2 session can vary depending on the specific areas being treated, lasting approximately 30-40 minutes. Also, the redness caused usually subsides in 24 hours.

To summarize, PowerShape2 is a safe and non-invasive body contouring treatment that effectively addresses cellulite, reduces fat, and tightens the skin. By combining infrared light, radiofrequency, vacuum, and mechanical massage, PowerShape2 delivers comprehensive results for various skin types and target areas. While minimal and temporary side effects like redness or skin sensitivity may occur, there is no significant downtime or recovery period associated with the treatment. Patients can resume their regular activities immediately. Achieving optimal and long-lasting outcomes typically requires multiple sessions and adopting a healthy lifestyle. It is crucial to consult with a qualified provider for personalized treatment plans and a clear understanding of the advantages and expectations of PowerShape2.

What is the pre/post care for PowerShape2?

Similar to other body shaping or toning treatments, PowerShape2 also requires specific pre and post-care routines to maximize results. Here are the recommended pre and post-care guidelines:


  • Refrain from consuming food for at least one hour prior to the treatment.
  • Maintain proper hydration by drinking an adequate amount of water.
  • Avoid alcohol or caffeine intake before undergoing the Velashape procedure.


  • Apply lotions or aloe vera gel to the treated area as recommended by your healthcare provider.
  • Refrain from engaging in strenuous exercise or physical activity for a minimum of 24 hours after the treatment.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing to ensure comfort and minimize irritation after the procedure.

Following these pre- and post-care instructions can contribute to optimizing the results of Velashape and promote a smooth recovery process.

Benefits of PowerShape2:

Velashape effectively sculpts and tones the body by reducing cellulite. In addition to its body-contouring benefits, the procedure offers several advantages:

  • Non-invasive: Velashape is a non-surgical procedure that does not require any incisions or the use of anesthesia.
  • Safe and painless: The treatment is considered safe and generally causes minimal discomfort.
  • Instant results: Immediate improvements in the appearance of cellulite can be seen after a Velashape session.
  • No downtime: There is no recovery period or downtime required, allowing individuals to resume their normal activities immediately.
  • Time-efficient: The procedure itself is relatively quick, saving time for those with busy schedules.
  • Avoidance of surgical complications: Unlike invasive surgical procedures, Velashape eliminates the need for surgical risks and complications.

These benefits make PowerShape2 an attractive option for individuals seeking a non-invasive and effective way to enhance their body shape and reduce cellulite.