Permanent Tattoo Removal


Do you intend to have your tattoo removed?

Tattoo removal is achieved using a laser-based treatment called Pico laser, which effectively eliminates unwanted tattoos. Both single-colored and multiple-colored tattoos can be successfully removed through this procedure. The Pico laser breaks down the tattoo pigments in the skin, facilitating their removal. Complete tattoo removal typically requires multiple sessions, as it is more effective than attempting to remove the tattoo in a single session. Pico laser tattoo removal is considered a safe method, and any temporary scarring can be minimized or avoided altogether. This treatment offers a reliable solution for those who regret their tattoos and wish to have them removed.

How does it work?

Pico Laser is considered the most effective method for tattoo removal. It operates by emitting high-energy pulses at a rapid pace, targeting the pigments of the tattoo. These pigments are then broken down into minuscule fragments that are eventually eliminated by the body’s natural processes. Pico Laser offers a convenient solution for removing both single-colored and multi-colored tattoos, including difficult colors like greens and blues. By delivering rapid and high-energy pulses, the Pico laser effectively removes tattoos.

Is the tattoo removal procedure painful?

The level of pain experienced during tattoo removal can differ based on factors such as individual pain tolerance, tattoo size and location. Some individuals may compare the sensation to that of getting a tattoo, while others may find it less intense. Pain can be managed by applying numbing creams or using cooling techniques. Overall, if the treatment causes significant discomfort, healthcare professionals can provide solutions such as applying numbing cream to the treatment area.

Can tattoo removal cause scarring or skin discoloration?

The use of advanced laser technology like Pico laser has significantly decreased the chances of scarring or skin discoloration during tattoo removal. Although there is a possibility of temporary scarring or skin discoloration, it is important to note that these effects are temporary and will eventually fade over time. Following the provided post-care instructions is crucial to minimize the risk of significant scarring.

Are there any side effects?

While major side effects are uncommon, there are minor side effects associated with tattoo removal, including:

  • Swelling and redness are common and typically resolve within a few days.
  • During the healing phase, blistering and crusting may be observed, and it’s important not to touch the treated area.
  • Mild pain in the treated area is normal and usually fades away within a few days.
  • Temporary changes in skin color, such as lightening or darkening, may occur but generally fade over time as the skin heals.

If any major side effects arise, it is crucial to seek immediate medical advice to prevent further complications.

Pre- and Post care

Here are some pre- and post-care that you need to follow before and after the procedure.


  • Minimize sun exposure as it can increase the risk of complications. It is important to avoid tanned skin or sunburned skin prior to the procedure.
  • If you are taking any medications, it is essential to consult your doctor to ensure they do not interact negatively with the tattoo removal procedure.
  • If there is hair present in the tattoo area, it is advisable to shave the area before the procedure. This promotes improved contact between the laser and the tattoo pigments.


  • Use gentle skincare products and avoid harsh ones. Take care not to scrub or rub the treated area while washing it.
  • Follow the prescribed medication schedule and apply them as directed.
  • Protect the treated area from sun exposure by using sunscreen and covering it with clothing or a bandage when outdoors.
  • Refrain from picking or scratching any scabs or blisters that may form to prevent scarring.

Avoid engaging in activities that lead to excessive sweating for a few days following the treatment.

How many sessions are typically required for complete tattoo removal?

The number of sessions needed for complete tattoo removal depends on factors such as the tattoo’s size, color, depth, and type of ink. Typically, it can take between 5 and 15 sessions, with intervals of several weeks between each session. However, the exact number of sessions can vary, so it is recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the specific number of sessions required for your tattoo.

In summary, Pico laser technology is a highly effective and advanced method for removing unwanted tattoos. By delivering rapid and high-energy pulses, the Pico laser breaks down tattoo pigments into tiny particles that are naturally eliminated by the body. This treatment is suitable for all types of tattoos, including those with multiple colors. While minor side effects like temporary swelling, redness, and skin discoloration can occur, they typically fade away with time. Pico laser tattoo removal is a safe and convenient option that can help individuals achieve their desired appearance and boost their self-esteem.