

Want to have flat belly without exercise?

An abdominoplasty flattens your belly by removing excess skin and fat and tightens the muscles in your abdominal wall. The procedure is also known as a “tummy tuck.”

Depending on how much fat and skin needs to be removed, tummy tucks might be considered “mini” operations or more complex ones. It’s essential to do your research, think things through, and take your time coming to a choice. The procedure should not be used as an alternative to diet and exercise. Get your desired body with us and walk around with full confidence.

Who makes the ideal candidates for a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)?

Candidates for a tummy tuck include both men and women who are in generally good health and who are at a stable weight. A non-smoker is preferable.

A belly tuck should not be confused with liposuction, the cosmetic treatment used to remove fat deposits, even though your surgeon may elect to include it in the procedure. For women who have stretched muscles and skin from numerous pregnancies, the treatment may be beneficial to tighten those muscles and reduce that skin. A stomach tuck is an additional option for people with a history of obesity who have lost a lot of weight but still have extra fat deposits or loose skin in the abdomen.

When should a belly tuck (abdominoplasty) be avoided?

You might want to put off getting a stomach tuck if you’re a woman who still intends to get pregnant until after you’ve finished having kids. Your vertical muscles are tightened during surgery. These muscles can once again divide during subsequent pregnancies.

Avoid getting a tummy tuck straight away if you still intend to shed a lot of weight. When your weight has stabilized, wait.

It’s vital to remember that a belly tuck results in abdominal scars. The amount of excess skin determines how long the bikini line scar will be. The micro abdominoplasty leaves a small amount of excess skin and a small scar.

You can consult with our surgeon and discuss the result you want before starting the procedure.

Types of Abdominoplasty

  1. Complete abdominoplasty:

For patients who require the most correction, a complete abdominoplasty is a choice. The incision (cut) is made at the bikini line, roughly at the same level as your pubic hair. How much extra skin there is determines how long the scar will be. Your surgeon will next make any necessary adjustments and shaping to the skin and muscle. You will also have an incision around your belly button since it is important to cut your navel free from the surrounding tissue for this procedure. Drainage tubes may or may not be put under your skin. These will be removed in a few days if your surgeon feels them necessary.

  1. Mini-abdominoplasty:

Mini-abdominoplasties use smaller incisions and are frequently done on patients with less extra skin. This kind of procedure is unlikely to involve moving your abdominal button. There will be a separation of the skin between the incision line and your abdominal button. This procedure typically takes between one and two hours. After surgery, you might or might not have drainage tubes, just like with a full abdominoplasty.

  1. Circumferential abdominoplasty:

A circumferential abdominoplasty involves the back as well. Either circumferential abdominoplasty or back liposuction may be used when there is a lot of extra fat in both the back and the abdomen.

Preparation before Abdominoplasty

You must refrain from using any kind of nicotine, including gum, patches, and e-cigarettes, for at least one month before to surgery and for two weeks afterward. The more time that passes between stopping smoking and having surgery, the better.

Make sure you consume complete, well-balanced meals. Before the surgery, try not to drastically restrict your food. A healthy diet is necessary for a full recovery.

During your preoperative appointment, your surgeon may advise you to stop using specific blood-thinning medications and nutritional supplements for a specific period of time before and after the procedure. Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) fall within this category. If you take any blood thinners, you must inform your surgeon.

Before your operation, make sure you have the safest, most accommodating recovery room set up to fit your needs. Your residence’s rehabilitation area should contain:

  • few comfortable, loose-fitting outfits that are simple to put on and take off.
  • a phone that is conveniently located.
  • a chair for the bathroom and a handheld showerhead.

After Care of Abdominoplasty

There are some tips that should be followed after the surgery.

  • When you are exhausted, take a nap. Getting enough sleep will help you heal more rapidly.
  • Try to take a daily stroll. Start with taking a few extra steps today than you did yesterday.
  • Avoid abdominal exercises and physically demanding activities like jogging, biking, lifting weights, and aerobic exercise for six to eight weeks..
  • You can take a shower following surgery or when your drains are cleaned. Dry the wound with a pat. For the first two weeks or until your doctor gives the all-clear, avoid taking a bath.
  • You may consume your typical diet. If your stomach is upset, try bland, low-fat foods such plain rice, grilled chicken, toast, and yogurt.
  • Drink a lot of water (unless your doctor tells you not to).
  • Take the antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor. Don’t stop taking them if you feel better. The entire antibiotic course must be taken.
  • Every day, use warm water to wash the incision area, then pat it dry. Avoid using alcohol and hydrogen peroxide since these can slow the healing process. Keep the area dry and spotless.
  • When you cough or breathe deeply, place a pillow over your incision. This will support your abdomen and lessen your discomfort.