BodyJet Liposuction


A liposuction is a form of cosmetic surgery that removes fat via suction. Common areas targeted include thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, hips, neck, and under the skin. All are locations where fat builds up. It is beneficial for those who prefer to achieve faster results in a specific timeframe.

Liposuction can remove up to 5 liters of fat with relative safety during one session. It allows your surgeon to reshape the body, especially when it’s combined with fat transfer to add more fullness to other areas.

At Healthy Choice Aesthetic Hospital, we’ll do a detailed one-on-one assessment that will determine your eligibility, location, and amount of fat that can be safely removed.

How it works?

Two-channel cannulas are used for targeted fat tissue, one for an emitting spray of a mixture of the solution, and another for aspirating fat. The mixture of local anesthesia helps in decreasing post-operative pain.


Safe, quick, and more effective.
Less swelling, bruising, and blood loss
The extraction and removal of unwanted fat cells are easy.
Virtually pain-free
Accurate contouring
You will feel less bloated
Leaner body / no fat gain
Short-quick recovery time

What to expect after treatment?

The goal of fat removal is not weight loss, but improved contour. In fact, since the body retains fluids in response to surgery, you may notice a temporary weight gain (resolving over the first week). You may experience significant swelling in the pubic area. Men are advised to bring an athletic supporter to the office on the day of surgery. Bruising is minimal with Body-Jet.

Lipo/Vibroliposuction. Nevertheless, the more extensive the surgery, the more bruising one can expect. Post-operative discomfort usually takes the form of deep muscle soreness and normally improves over the following 2-7 days. Slight temperature elevation (100ºF) and flushing of the face, neck, and upper chest could last 48 hours. You may initially experience a mild depression that should begin subsiding after the first week, once you see the bruising and swelling fade. Menstrual irregularities (premature or delayed monthly onset) are a common side effect of surgery. If areas on the thighs were treated, you may have swelling in your calves and ankles for up to 3 weeks.

  • Pre- Treatment Instructions
  • Post-Treatment Instructions
  • BRING YOUR MEDICATIONS TO SURGERY Take your antibiotic medication the evening before surgery.
  • DO NOT SMOKE for two weeks prior to and two weeks after surgery. Smoking decreases your circulation and slows down healing time.
  • DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN, PLAVIX, IBUPROFEN, MOTRIN, ALLEVE, ADVIL or products containing aspirin, other NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications), Vitamin E, diet pills, herbal medication, herbal or green tea, ginkgo, ginseng or garlic pills, for two weeks prior to surgery. Aspirin and some NSAIDS can thin your blood, so you do not clot and could increase your tendency to bleed at the time of surgery and during the post-operative period.
  • DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 2 days prior to surgery. Alcohol may create complications and increase bruising.
  • EVENING PRIOR TO AND ON SURGERY MORNING, a shower using antibacterial soap or Hibiclense®.
  • WEAR COMFORTABLE, DARK, LOOSE-FITTING CLOTHING. Safeguard your car seat for the ride home and bedding for post-surgery with a protective cover.
  • LEAVE JEWELRY AND VALUABLES AT HOME. Do not wear hair clips or hairpieces, jewelry, or piercings.
  • SURGERY TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY – you could be at the facility longer than indicated.
  • ARRANGE FOR A DRIVER TO AND FROM SURGERY. We cannot discharge you to a taxi. Put a pillow and blanket in the car for the trip home.
  • DRIVING: A family member or friend 18 years or older must drive you home from your surgery (it is best to have them stay and assist you for the first 24-48 hours). Do not drive for 1 week after surgery or while taking prescription pain medication that may affect you or make you drowsy.
  • COMPRESSION GARMENTS: A special elastic-type garment was put on at the end of your surgery to provide comfort and support while helping your skin conform to your new body contour. Wear the garment for 2 days without removing it. On day 3 after surgery, the garment can be removed to wash and put back on. Week 1, wear your garment day and night. Week 2 and 3 after surgery, wear the garment during the day. Neck patients must wear chin garments for 3-4 full days with no removal, followed by 4-7 days as often as possible.
  • BATHING or SHOWERING: You may take a shower after 48 hours and after the dizziness has subsided completely. (Baths should be avoided for 1 month.)
  • TREATMENT SITES: Keep your dressings as clean and dry as possible, changing daily to help prevent infection. You should expect some drainage (oozing) of blood-tinged anesthetic solution at the incision site(s) due to fluids injected during your procedure. Although the fluid may appear red, it is a mostly anesthetic solution and saline and only 1% blood. In general, the more drainage there is, the less bruising and swelling there will be. Maxi-pads can be used to soak the drainage. Many patients have found it helpful to use a shower curtain or other protective covering on their mattress for the first few days after their procedure. As your incisions stop draining, please clean them with tap water and apply Neosporin and butterfly bandages to help minimize scarring. Applying a scar cream after the wounds have closed may also minimize scarring. Cover it only if your garments are rubbing on the incisions. Itching, pulling, pinching, hardness, tightness, and/or numbness sensations are also normal. All should subside within 24 hours to 1 week but sometimes can last for months following surgery. This is a part of the healing process.
  • ACTIVITY: Rest for the first 12 hours. It is normal to experience lightheadedness when rising or removing/changing your compression garments. Please have someone help you with this for the first few days after surgery. Start walking as soon as possible, as this helps lower the chance of blood clots. Experiencing more than mild swelling or discomfort may indicate that you are over-doing it.
  • Avoid strenuous activities, lifting over 10 lbs., or aerobic exercise for 2 – 3 weeks. Protect incisions / any bruised areas from the sun until completely healed; use SPF 30 or greater for 6 months. Avoid tanning until the bruising has faded, which normally takes 10-14 days.
  • Therapeutic massage is very helpful to speed the healing process and may be done beginning 2 weeks after surgery, as often as every other day and as hard as you can tolerate. The chin is the only area you should not massage. Because direct pressure will destroy the transferred fat, the patient is asked to keep pressure off of the fat transfer site for at least 6 weeks. For the fat transfer to the buttocks, absolutely no sitting is permitted for 10 days (except for toileting). Then patients can sit with modifications. A pillow is placed in the posterior hamstrings, not touching but elevating the buttocks, effectively avoiding pressure.
  • DIET: If you experience any post-operative nausea, try carbonated sodas and dry crackers to help settle your stomach. Nausea may likely be caused by your post-operative medications, and we advise that you take them with food whenever possible. If your stomach feels normal, start slowly with liquids and bland foods, resuming a regular diet. Please drink plenty of clear fluids.
  • ALCOHOL: Alcohol dilates your blood vessels, which could increase post-operative bleeding. As alcohol combined with medication can be dangerous, it is especially important that you do not consume alcohol as long as you are taking over-the-counter or prescription pain medication following your surgery.
  • SMOKING: We continue to stress the importance of not smoking. Smoking reduces capillary flow in your skin and can slow down healing time. Do not smoke at all during the first 14 days after surgery.
  • MEDICATION: Take your medications as directed. If you are unable to take the medications for any reason, please contact our office, so we can arrange for other medications.


  • Swelling or Edema
  • Tenderness
  • Numbness
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
  • Infection
  • Contour irregularities
  • Reaction to medication
  • Surface irregularities

Scope of treatment:

Liposuction is commonly performed in the following areas:
  • Abdomen
  • Inner/outer thighs
  • Jowls/neck
  • Upper arms
  • Male chest
  • Waist/hips
  • Lower/upper back
  • Back/front bra roll (BBR)
  • Banana roll
  • Dorsal hump
  • Knees
  • Calves/ankles

Session and Duration:

Generally, body jet liposuction is designed to treat different areas of the body. The procedure is also may take half an hour to 1hour. The process is pain-free so the recovery is also fast. It takes a week for the minimum to moderate liposuction and 2-3 weeks for the maximum area for liposuction.

Contradictory treatment:

  • BMI over 42
  • Pacemaker wearer
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Actively in chemotherapy
  • Recent heart attack within five years
  • Pregnancy
  • Dialysis
  • Oxygen tank user
  • On an organ transplant waiting list
  • Taking blood-thinning medication
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney or liver disorders
  • Surgery in the proposed area in the past six months


How much does Liposuction cost in Nepal?

Your cost will depend on factors like the amount of fat being removed if you’ve had liposuction before and the complexity of your surgery.

Is it right for me?

You are a good candidate if you’re in good health, and have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or below. Liposuction is most likely to be successful for healthy-weight people with firm, elastic skin who have pockets of excess fat in certain areas.

How is liposuction performed?

It usually takes just about an hour or two depending on how many areas of the body you’re getting it done. You’ll have either local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The procedure involves making very small cuts in the skin and then different techniques are used to remove fat from under the skin in that area.

The fat can be turned into liquid or shaved off before being suctioned out

What are the risks involved in liposuction?

Common risks include Baggy skin, scarring, change in skin color, bleeding, infection, slow healing, and numbness.

Is this fat removal permanent?

We are born with a certain number of fat cells. When they are surgically removed during liposuction they cannot be produced again. But if we overeat and don’t exercise or maintain an unhealthy lifestyle, the remaining fat cells can expand. Liposuction is not a substitute for a good diet but a treatment for removing bulges. Post-liposuction weight gain can be an issue if you don’t keep eating a healthy diet and continue exercising.

How much can I lose?

Fat doesn’t weigh much and therefore we cannot talk of it in kilos. We measure fat in terms of milliliters and liters. 2 to 5 liters can be removed in a day of liposuction surgery.