Breast (Mammoplasty)


Do you feel insecure about your saggy breast?

Surgery to reduce the size of your breasts, mammoplasty involves removing extra skin, tissue, and fat. You might be thinking about breast reduction surgery if you have enormous breasts that are out of proportion to the rest of your body and are causing neck pain, back pain, or other symptoms.

The majority of women who get breast reduction are really happy with the outcome. It can also be done to men who suffer from illnesses like gynecomastia, a condition in which the male breasts are excessively enlarged.

Get your breast sized to the size you want with us and our specialist and wear what you want, remove all the insecurities within you.

How to Get Ready for a Breast Mammoplasty Procedure?

Follow your surgeon’s instructions both before and after breast reduction surgery if you want to ensure that you heal as you should.

Prepare your home for recovery before the procedure. Keep these items close at hand:

  • a lot of ice
  • Gauze and fresh towels and washcloths
  • loose-fitting, cozy shirts
  • Your surgeon’s prescribed specific lotions or ointments for the incision areas

Procedure for Breast Mammoplasty Surgery

Both the dark pink skin surrounding the nipple (areola) and the natural creases in the breast are incised. To designate the new placement of the nipple, a keyhole-shaped incision is also performed above the areola. The lower part of the breast is next freed of skin. The underlying breast tissue, areola, and nipple are elevated to a higher position. The nipple is relocated, and cuts are stitched (sutured) shut.

Depending on your circumstances, you might need to spend at least one night in the hospital after breast reduction surgery or you could be able to have it done as an outpatient procedure. You will receive general anesthesia in all scenarios, meaning you will be put to sleep during the treatment. The duration of breast reduction surgery ranges from 2 to 5 hours, occasionally longer.

Types of breast Mammoplasty

Depending on the size and shape of your breasts, how much tissue needs to be removed, and how you wish to appear following surgery, your surgeon may choose from a few different surgical techniques:

Liposuction: A thin tube attached to a vacuum that removes fat and fluid from your breast will be inserted by the surgeon after a few tiny cuts are made in your skin. Small reductions and patients whose skin will “snap back” into place are most suited for this technique.

Lollipop-shaped or vertical: This procedure is for visible sagging and mild breast reductions. In order to remove superfluous tissue and fat, contour the breast, and raise it, the surgeon will make cuts around your areola and all the way down to the crease under your breast.

Anchor or the inverted-T: The surgeon will make cuts along the crease under the breast, along the areola’s edge, and from the areola to the areola. The ideal candidates for this kind of surgery are those who need significant weight loss and have significant sagging or unevenness.

Your surgeon might stitch up your breasts after using drainage tubes, then wrap them in a special gauze. A surgical bra can also be required of you.

Recovery after Breast Mammoplasty Surgery

2 to 3 weeks of soreness is possible. Additionally, the skin around your breasts may feel pulled or stretched. You can anticipate feeling better and stronger every day, even though you might require pain medication for a week or two.

You might feel less energetic than usual for a few weeks or become tired easily. You might also experience the sensation of fluid moving inside your breasts. This emotion is typical and will pass with time.

When to contact your doctor?

You should contact to the doctor if any of these symptoms are seen after the surgery:

  • fever of 100.4° F (38° C) or more.
  • Breast swelling or soreness that is more severe, heated, or rosy
  • Chills
  • You have a lot of bloody, bright red discharge coming from your incision.
  • Within a short amount of time, your breast gets firm or enlarged.

The After-care

  • Showering:

For the first 48 hours (2 days) following surgery, avoid taking a shower. You might be allowed to take a full shower or a shower only from your waist down after the first 48 hours. Observe the showering instructions provided by your surgeon.

  • Clothing:

Wear a soft, supportive bra, similar to the one your nurse provided you, for six weeks following your procedure, even when you are sleeping. When taking a shower, you can take your bra off. Wearing an under-wired bra while your incisions are healing is not advised.

  • Medications:

After surgery, you’ll be given a prescription for painkillers to help you manage your discomfort.

  • Physical exercise:

For six weeks following surgery, refrain from lifting, pushing, or pulling anything weighing more than 5 to 10 pounds (2.3 to 5.4 kilograms). For six weeks following surgery, refrain from performing demanding workouts (such as running, jogging, or leaping).