Cosmetic Gynecology : Enhancing Women’s Confidence and Wellness

Enhancing Women’s Confidence and Wellness through Cosmetic Gynecology

What is Cosmetic Gynaecology?

Nowadays, cosmetic gynaecology is the fastest growing surgery talked about. It is a blend of gynaecology and plastic surgery which includes several procedures that enhances the aesthetic appearance, and improves the functionality of vulvo-vaginal region which may be degraded due to child birth or aging.

Though, cosmetic gynaecology is popularly known, professionals prefer to call “Functional Gynaecology” or “Regenerative Gynaecology”. It enables pelvic floor toning and regains the integrity of the tissues, it gives opportunity to women to achieve better quality of life by increasing comfort and self-confidence.

cosmetic gynecology

What procedures are included for the Cosmetic Gynaecology?

  • Hymenoplasty: The process of restoring a broken hymen is known as hymenoplasty. Hymen is a tissue which is found in the vagina that covers the opening of the vagina.
  • Labiaplasty: It is a cosmetic surgical procedure to reduce or reshape the size of the inner lips (labia minora) or outer lips of the vulva (labia majora). De-epithelialization, trim (liner), and wedge techniques are the types of procedures for labiaplasty.
  • Vaginoplasty: It is a procedure to repair a vagina which is damaged from injury, medical condition, and other factors. Vaginoplasty can also be performed as gender-affirming surgery to remove a penis, testicles, and scrotum to create vagina and vulva.
  • Hoodectomy: Hoodectomy is a surgical procedure to remove extra skin around the clitoris. Professionals take extra cautious while performing this surgery. Patients must be aware why the surgery is being done and how it will benefit them.
  • Perineoplasty: Perineoplasty is performed to repair external organs and the perineum of the vagina. Perineum is a space between anus and the vagina. It aims to tighten and strengthen the perineum.
  • Colpoperineoplasty: It is a procedure to repair genital prolapsed. The surgery helps to enhance sexual satisfaction and reduce the size of the wide vagina.
  • Monsplasty: Monsplasty surgical procedure includes lifting, tightening, and reshaping of the pubis area. The target of monsplasty is the rounded area of fat tissue over the pubic bone.

Who are the right candidates for Cosmetic Gynecology?

A woman who is unsatisfied with the function, look or feel, or vaginal area may be the right candidate for cosmetic gyneocology. Cosmetic gynecology has gained wide popularity for its effective results.

So, let’s dive into candidates who can consider cosmetic gynecology:

  • Those who are not satisfied or not confident enough with the appearance of their private parts.
  • Those who are concerned about the structure and appearance of the genital region
  • Those who feel discomfort wearing swim clothes or tight clothing.
  • Those who are unable to perform athletic activities due to asymmetry in the genital parts.
  • Those who suffer from the dry vagina, which might lead to repeated vaginal infections, sexual dysfunction, and painful intercourse.
  • Those who suffer from mild urinary incontinence, and overactive bladder.
  • Those who suffer from loose/lax vagina causing sexual dysfunction.
  • Those who suffer from Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) i.e., frequent urination, dry vagina, urinary incontinence/leakage, and painful intercourse.
  • Those who have injury in the private parts leading to disfigurement.
  • Those who suffer from dyspareunia (painful intercourse).
  • Those who suffer from problems like decreased libido and decreased sexual satisfaction
  • For healing of previous episiotomy scar or tear.

Why should you Consider Cosmetic Gynecology?

There are various reasons why you should perform a cosmetic gynecologist.

Check out the reasons below:

  • Insecurity in Sexual Activities: The appearance could make you feel insecure in intimate settings. Then, you may want to consult a cosmetic gynecologist. The surgical procedure can provide you with personalized results and needs.
  • Enhance Vaginal Function: Cosmetic gynecology can enhance sexual function with the help of various procedures. If you’re experiencing pain during sexual intercourse, or vaginal dryness, considering cosmetic gynecology may help to regain your sex life.
  • Aging of the Vagina: The natural process of aging transforms the appearance of the vagina. It also changes the vaginal tissues, plumpness and elasticity with age, and losing hydration.
what is cosmetic gynecology

Are Cosmetic Gynecological procedures painful?

The surgical procedures are usually done under anesthesia, so the procedure itself is not painful, but the patient might feel some pain and discomfort after the surgery due to edema and bruises, which are managed with painkillers and cold packs and these resolve withina  few days.

Nonsurgical procedures or laser treatments are also not painful, as local anaesthetic creams or ointment is applied. Some might complain of slight irritation or a tingling sensation during the procedure.

Can Cosmetic Gynecology procedures affect fertility?

It doesn’t affect fertility. In fact, some of the procedures that are done to relieve sexual dysfunction, like dyspareunia, would rather help to conceive.

Also, other procedures like labiaplasty and hoodectomy would decrease the infection rate and, therefore reduce PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) thus preventing sub-fertility/infertility.

When is the best time to schedule a gynecologist appointment?

The best time to schedule gynecologist appointment is after menstrual blood stops, preferably after 7 days of menstruation, because during this time, an examination can be done, and a Pap- smear test can be done, The other cause is that even the surgical procedure can be done as the vascularity is low resulting in low blood loss.

Are Cosmetic Gynaecological procedures safe?

Cosmetic gynecological procedures are safe when performed by a trained cosmetic gynecologist. Make sure you discuss potential complications and risks of the procedure at your consultation.

Healthy Choice Aesthetic Hospital offers several cosmetic gynecology procedures that solve your problem regarding vagina appearance and its unsatisfactory factors. Our experts are proficient in this procedure. They are dedicated to achieving the preference and personalized results you are looking for.

We are happy to solve problems you are facing, we assure you Healthy Choice Aesthetic Hospital helps to address the concerns and results for your needs.


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